Completed projects

The project was a small-scale partnership aimed at promoting, up-skilling, and empowering unemployed migrant adults who faced social exclusion and professional segregation, as they were considered, generally, as not productive members of society. Therefore, the aim was to empower the designated target group with social entrepreneurship and start-up co-creation competences, with a focus on synthesizing and designing ideasfor social good; tools necessary to successfully start up, manage, and scale-up innovative and sustainable businesses.
- Centro Studi sulla Civiltà del Mare e della Valorizzazione del Golfo e del Parco dell’Asinara (Italija)
- UNO Asociación para el desarrollo SocioEmocional de la persona, la sociedad y para la cooperación internacional (Španija)
- Športno društvo Endorfin (Endorfin) – Slovenija,
Duration of the project: April 2022 – March 202